BMI calculation for men and women

Body Mass Index (BMI) Nutritional Status WHO (World Health Organization)
Below 18,5 Underweight
18,5 - 25 Normal Weight
25 - 30 Pre-Obesity
30 - 35 Obesity Class I
35 - 40 Obesity Class II
Above 40 Obesity Class III


Then, refer to the Main menu: Types of Surgery - Before Surgery - After Surgery - Dietary Guidelines - Contact Us

♦To make an appointment with Dr. Bruto Randone, Digestive and Bariatric Surgeon, at the Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France, or at the Clinique Bizet, 23 Rue Georges Bizet, 75116 Paris, France, click on Contact