The pre-surgical assessment before any bariatric (obesity) surgery is inspired by the recommendations of the « Haute Autorité de Santé » (HAS) in France and includes the following:
- The surgeon, during the initial consultation, specifies the characteristics of obesity (weight, height, age, occupation, pregnancies, heredity, comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea) and starts the procedure:
- The cardiologist researches high blood pressure and makes an echocardiogram to study the functioning of the heart before surgery.
- The gastroenterologist will perform a gastric endoscopy, usually under anesthetic sedation, checking the integrity of the stomach and the absence of a germ called Helicobacter Pylori to be treated before any intervention.
- The pulmonologist searches a frequent beginner syndrome of sleep apnea, especially in patients who complain of snoring, poor well sleeping.
- The nutritionist writes a history of obesity, its age, its terms, behavior and eating habits.
- The blood tests: count, blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, TSH, cortisol, ferritin and vitamins, are essential for all specialists.
- The endocrinologist, given the blood tests, checks that obesity has no medical cause that can be responsible for overweight (thyroid disease) to be treated eventually.
- The psychiatrist searches psychiatric history, a suicidal tendency can be aggravated by the intervention or changes in body image.
ALL THESE ELEMENTS allow the required multidisciplinary team, during a meeting of all these specialists, to discuss and establish a written report on each case. This report will be sent to the social security center of which the patient depends.
Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France